Suppliers can benefit of our international footprint and knowledge, whilst working with us side by side to enhance sales performance, raise brand awareness through social media and improve cost management
Suppliers can benefit of our international footprint and knowledge, whilst working with us side by side to enhance sales performance, raise brand awareness through social media and improve cost management
Raising brand awareness of a Manufacturer amongst Trade clients involves knowing the brand, the products and the stories behind it very well. That is why across all markets of our operations we commit to represent no more than 10 Brands at the same time.
Across all of the markets of operation our highly experienced Trade Agency teams focus on the creation, activation and nourishing of meaningful commercial partnerships between our Manufacturing and Trade clients, in order to develop fruitful and continuous cooperation.
An external point of view or advice can be always helpful. BCS Digital can support you with custom made strategies to fit the needs of your Brand, as well as providing one to one Consultancy Sessions in order to establish the key pain points, develop messages relevant to your target audience and understand what makes the latter engage with a Brand.
Our Digital Media team can support you all the way, from content creation to the ongoing management and performance monitoring of your social media profiles. Our strength lies in the in-depth knowledge of the High End Interior Design Industry. Get to know more about our Silver, Gold or Platinum Packages providing you with the necessary level of support.